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Five Tips for Consistent Workouts

Five Tips for Consistent Workouts

Left to my own devices, I probably wouldn’t work out very often because I would fill that time with all the million other things that I have to do! In fact, I did this for a good number of years where I would work out sporadically but never stick with it. I found for me to be consistent, I had to do a few things. The following have worked for me, so if you want to try and see if they work for you I hope it helps!

  1. Scheduling your workouts. Yes, I am that girl who writes in her schedule when I’m working out. In case you haven’t noticed yet, I like a good schedule! If I don’t make that commitment to myself and don't treat it like I would a schedules work meeting, I will do something else like clean (anyone else feel like cleaning sometimes consumes their life??). With my current schedule, I do my workouts in the early evening after work (I prefer morning workouts but I already get up at 5:00 am). I stay busy all day so if I don’t plan my workouts, they probably aren’t going to happen! I need to move my body to allow myself to feel better. When I don’t my body just doesn’t feel the same. No need to go crazy here. Know your schedule and what it will allow. Some days I walk for 30-40 min. Other days I do strength work for an hour. I don’t schedule longer workouts on days where I have a lot going on because it’s not realistic. Know your schedule and know your limits. My weekends have longer workouts because I know I can do that with my time. Try different things and find what works for you.

  2. Be creative. On days I know I will be rushed but I still want to move, I take 30 minutes of my lunch break and walk. I started this habit several months ago, and it has worked really well! I used to work straight through my lunch, eating at my desk and working. Not so great for my mindset nor my body. I love getting a lot of things done at once. Makes me feel super productive and accomplished! Not only am I getting a workout in, I’m getting outside and moving and improving my mental health by taking a mental break from work. To make myself even more productive, I tend to listen to a podcast while I’m doing this so now I’m learning as well! Bam just took care of three things in 30 some minutes! Where can you squeeze a work out in? Walking around while your child plays a sport? Body weight exercises like lunges or squats while you’re cooking in the kitchen or watching TV?

  3. Mix it up when you can. As much as I have routines and workouts I do regularly, when I get an opportunity to do this is recharges my perspective getting to do something different. I gotta keep it spicy! For me this means doing yoga one day, walking another, kayaking, hiking, strength with weights, taking a class, and the possibilities are endless here. There are so many options that are good for your body. Have fun! It will keep you coming back and not going “oh my gosh, I have to work out today so I can stay in shape” as you drag yourself off to something you don’t enjoy.

  4. Change your mentality. Going back to the comment “I have to work out to stay in shape.” Change your thought to “I get to work out and see what my body can do today!” That’s exciting! The thought to find out what your body is capable of and try new things will give you motivation to keep doing it whereas the “have to” mentality will leave you susceptible to not doing it. Get excited and gracious you can move and try these things! I still have my days where I feel tired and I don’t want to move. However, I know that once I get moving and do the activity, I will typically feel better. Focus on that feeling. There hasn’t been a time that I’ve worked out and regretted it with how I feel after. There are definitely times I skipped out, and I wish I hadn’t because I know I would have felt better and set myself up for more energy and better outlook. Remember your priorities are where you put them. For me it’s better for my mind and body if I do some form of exercise. Sometimes that means I give up something else that isn’t as important and that’s ok. One caution I throw out, you do need to listen your body with injury or illness. Some days working out may not be in your best interest and will cause more damage than good. Don't push yourselves those days. Know yourself and your body.

  5. Do what works for YOU. Not every one is going to enjoy cross fit, yoga, or running. Don’t try to do something you don’t enjoy. It’s not going to keep you coming back. Don’t do it because you think you should or it will be a good way to lose weight. This doesn’t create a positive reason that will sustain continuing exercising. If walking is your thing, do it! Find what you like and keep that consistently in your exercise plan.

workout, fitness
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