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Power of Positive Thinking

Power of Positive Thinking

Have you ever noticed what a difference a positive mindset makes? If you haven't you should try it! As a former easily get caught up in the bad and negative kind of person, I can say I much prefer taking a positive outlook on life. How do you do this? Some may say it isn't that easy. I'd say it's easier than you think and once you train your mind to start doing it, it will become even easier. I still have my moments because I'm a human being and we are never perfect, but what a difference it can make in my life. Here's what I focus on:

Gratitude- Focusing on all the amazing things you have instead of focusing on what you don't have is always a win in the positive mind frame. There will always be things you don't have. Focusing on the "don't haves" will distract you from all the great things right in front of you. Make it a point to find at least a few things you are grateful for each day! Even on the worst day, there are still going to be positives. It's just finding them. Focus on those and the day may not be as bad. Sometimes it's the little things. I woke up healthy this morning. Win! I have a job that provides me with a roof over my head and food for my family and I. Being thankful and grateful are part of the positive mindset.

This next one isn't as easy, but we all can do it! When your mind starts going negative, just recognize what our mind is doing and stopping it right there. This one admittedly can be more difficult, but with practice it is achievable. Promise. The mind is a powerful thing, but the great news is we can choose to look at situations and circumstances in our own way. Keep your inner dialogue positive. If you catch yourself being negative towards yourself, "Geez, I look awful today", find one positive about yourself and correct your thoughts to positive. "Wow my legs look awesome!" Even better if you point out several things awesome because I guarantee there is more than one. None of us may be where we ideally want to be whether physically, mentally, or goal wise, and we continue to work in that direction of what is best for each of us. However, it doesn't mean there aren't positives either with how we all look now or with our current situation. We tend to focus on what we wish looked better about ourselves, and a lot of us struggle a lot with being positive about ourselves. If I keep telling myself over and over that my stomach doesn't look good because I don't have visible abs and I'm not beautiful because I'm not in shape right now those thoughts will make us start feeling bad about ourselves in general. I'm still beautiful just as you are beautiful! I'm just making myself unhappy with the negative thoughts, and I'm damaging my view of myself and viewing myself negatively. I may not be in shape right now, but I'm still beautiful. I'm just making myself unhappy with above dialogue. Beauty is not one definition. We are all beautiful and unique in our own way. Focus on the positive about yourself. You will notice a difference, especially in your happiness! Staying positive will keep you encouraged. Negativity just breeds more negativity and let's face it, if we can't even be positive about ourselves how are we supposed to be positive about the things around us? The same goes for things around you. Stop thinking of only the negative. Stay negative and soon everything is going to be negative in life. Truth is not everything is negative. What we allow to be negative will be negative, and what we allow to be positive will be positive. I'm going to say I much prefer the positive outlook in life than the negative. Negative just weighs us down and distracts us from all the wonderful, beautiful, and amazing things that are present. It steals our happiness and enjoyment. I'm going to focus on keeping my happiness and enjoyment even if some days that is more difficult than others! Hopefully you will join me! Keep in mind this can take some time to change, and even the best of us have our moments where we still can start being negative. The difference is once we recognize it, what we do from there. Just keep trying and keep working. Eventually it gets easier and then just becomes a way you start to naturally think. Don't let negative people and situations distract you from it. Stay positive and Sparkle Up Buttercup!

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