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Five Free Tips for Self-Love

Self- love or self- care doesn’t always have to be bubble baths and taking care of your skin and hair. I love to do those things when I can, and they make me feel good. Self- care some days for me looks like stepping away to keep my sanity. Many of us have busy lives, and I'm no different! Taking 30 minutes to journal, or just reset by myself can be the difference between a good day and a bad day for me. It doesn’t have to be anything that costs money, in fact most days for me it doesn’t involve spending anything. Here’s things I love to do consistently:

  1. Walk outside- This is one of my favorites. It helps me move but it is also good for my mind. I love it even more this time of year because of the fall weather. I love listening to something uplifting, looking around at all the beauty, and taking in the fresh air. It serves my body and my spirit.

  2. Pray/journal/meditate- This is something I do consistently. If I’m having a great day I can get all three in. Other days it’s only one or two, but I have to get at least one in. This takes care of me mentally. Some days I have to schedule to ensure I get enough time for these. However, they’ve made a huge difference in self- reflection, and how I’ve really gotten to know me and get things out. I’m the kind of person if I let things or situations sit, it will continue to stay with me and can impact me negatively until I address it. I’m very focused on not allowing that so I can show up best for myself and those around me.

  3. Eating healthy meals- this one does cost money, but I feel feeding my body what makes it feel good is important. Eating a diet high in whole foods has been a game changer. I’m fueling my body with things that give it life and energy. I feel such a difference from when I ate out a lot or highly processed meals. My stomach thanks me for putting an emphasis on this self- care, so I can put the best version of myself out there!

  4. Rest- I know when my body needs a break, and I take it when I need it. This doesn’t happen often, but when I feel it, it’s time to listen to my body. Often times, even sitting for 3o minutes with a cup of coffee or tea and reading a good book is all I need. Sometimes it looks like just watching a show with my husband (I very often am doing multiple things if the TV is on, can’t help it!). Rest doesn't always equal a nap, but if it does, take it!

  5. Make myself inaccessible to everyone- My kids will hear this phrase from time to time- “mommy needs a few minutes to herself, let me come find you in 20 minutes” because without fail, as soon as I want to be myself someone needs me!(I mean I can be accessible ALL day and no one needs me but without fail if I'm taking "me" time everyone wants to find me! The Mom life!) Sometimes the youngest tries to throw in a few more questions, but with patience and a kiss and my being honest of I need a minute, she lets me come find her. I need time to recharge by myself. I used to feel bad about this, but it just came with knowing what I need. I don’t answer my phone. It may be nearby, but when I’ve decided I’m not going to be on my phone, I’m not going to be. If you don’t have that kind of relationship with your phone, leave it in another room. Recharge yourself to be able to show up later. Take the time you need and don't feel guilty.

These are things that work for me! If you want to try, please do! I’m not an expert, I’ve just learned what works for me. I hope you have a few items you want to try. Let me know any feedback you have! These are things I’ve developed through trial and error with my life. Every day doesn’t look the same for me, but I incorporate these things because they are part of a strong foundation for me to show up. Build consistent habits into your life to show up best. Keep making progress and you’re on the right track.

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