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Three Quick Tips for Healthier Eating

Before I became focused on my health, an idea of a meal for me could be spaghetti with garlic bread, a pre-cooked lasagna, or some form of meat with a small side of some vegetable (small vegetable side was something that happened on a good day!) I’ve never been successful when I’ve just attempted to make everything “super healthy”. I started making changes bit by bit until now it’s a lot easier to stick with healthy foods I love. Basically, once I “detoxed” off all the junk my body was used to, I started to notice a few things. I had more energy, I felt better, and I wasn’t feeling weighed down and bloated all the time. I made these changes slowly though. I started by adding more vegetables to the plate than other items. If I’m doing pasta, I either add a salad to the meal or I eat more vegetables during the day. Breakfast was no longer bagels or something else quick. My breakfast will vary as well as the time I eat. A lot of times I’m not hungry in the morning until later around 9 or 10 am. I typically stop eating around 7:30 pm or 8 pm, which is why I’m not too hungry super early. Most days I pack myself some fruit and have a light breakfast. Sometimes I add something to it, but oftentimes fruit is enough to start my day. If I am hungry in the morning often times I like eggs with spinach or egg and avocado toast, seriously two of my favs that I seem to never get tired of. I’ve even gotten creative with my avocado toast by adding radishes and hemp seed to it. Seriously, so delicious.. I may have started drooling a little. We can talk more about what it fully looks like later, if you’re interested that is!

Back to crowding out- I’m not sure if you’ve ever been like me, but I used to stick to the same veggies and just rotate through. There have been some experiments to broaden that selection, some successful others not so much. The point is be willing to look and try new recipes to broaden what you choose from so you don’t get sick of the same thing over and over. This has helped give me variety to what I’m crowding out with. Get excited and stay open minded about new things! I have a brussel sprout recipe that I LOVE now from a friend. I even like it reheated, so BONUS!

Make your changes gradually- As I said, I’ve never been super successful trying to go all healthy 100 percent of the time. I have certain things I still love to eat. I have just researched and tried to find healthier versions or I have minimized how much and how often I consume those items. I mean let’s be real, I will seriously probably NEVER give up tortilla chips! Remember rushing towards a goal, isn’t necessarily a sure fire way to have it be sustainable. I feel making gradual changes helps it last long term. I feel deprived if I do it all at once, and I’m not a fan of deprivation.

Plan- so left to my own devices, my meal choices wouldn’t be so impressive. I find when I’m rushed it’s a lot harder to think of a healthy meal or options. Same for if I’m starving, I’m not going to take the time to prepare something that’s better for me if I’m famished. I’m going to reach for convenience. Everyone may not be in this same boat, but I know me well enough to know I’m going for what’s easy. To avoid these moments so that I can enjoy my guilty pleasures when I’m ready, I have meals planned.

So to finish, I’m not a nutritionist. I have just learned my body and how I operate. If you’re like me, some of these tips may help. If not, leave me some feedback of your issues, and I will be able to develop some feedback from there! I’d love to hear from you!

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