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My Seven Tips for Starting the Day Right

There’s just something about having a good morning ritual. Nothing like some basic habits that keeps you on track and set your tone for the day. I’ve slowly built my morning routine and have done so deliberately with specific intentions in mind. This is a perfect morning, I mean I have those all the time… duh. Not so much, but I tend to get most of these in daily.

-Drink 8 ounces of water at least. I like to brush my teeth first and get the bacteria out. Then I take in 8 ounces of water. I bring my water upstairs with me the night before, so it is ready for the next morning. I like room temperature, just my personal preference.

-Drink a 1 ounce apple cider vinegar with water. This is a newer one. I’ve done it intermittently before, however, currently working on more long term. Regulating insulin levels and stabilizing blood sugar levels and claims to minimize cancer (with my familial history of cancer and my own bout with melanoma already, I’m motivated to reduce my risk if at all possible!).

-Listing my gratitude. I like to list at least three things I’m grateful for daily. It helps keep my mind focused on all I do have. I have been guilty of losing sight of that, and this helps me keep my perspective. Some days it’s quick and other days I have to think a little longer, but I am always able to find things to be grateful for in my life.

-Journaling. This helps me get things out. I tend to be the kind of person that will internalize a lot and keep it all in. This helps me make sure I’m not keeping it all in. It allows me to really think through things and find where my head is at and if I need to adjust. I also like it because I can also see where I need to set my intentions and set myself up for the best day.

- Several times a week I like to check in on finances, my goals, adjust my plans for food and workouts if necessary. I use Sunday morning to set most of these up, however, with kids they sometimes like to throw out last minute things they “forgot” until the day before.

-Write out any new ideas. I’ve noticed if I have something on my mind the night before, my brain works beautifully over night, and I wake up with new thoughts, perspective, and insight. I love to do things in the morning that involve thinking and planning (this is a lot harder during the week, but my drive to work often times serves the purpose of allowing my brain to freely think).

-Coffee!!! So I love coffee, it will most likely always be a part of my morning routine. I’m looking for ways to ramp it up, so I’m welcome to any new ideas. I’m pretty basic with coffee and steamed half and half. I enjoy the flavor, the smell, and it gets me going!

This is best day I get all these accomplished right away, but I typically get them all in before 11! This is what works for me, and I’ve done a lot of playing around to get here. This helps set me up for my best day.

Now I have to go stop Bentley from air humping my male dogs. This is a new thing for her. Not too sure where it’s coming from, hopefully not a part of her night time routine from now on!

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