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Quick tips for a healthy mind

A key to finding where I need to improve, heal, and uncovering areas I need to progress all boils down to my commitment to self- reflect. For me self- reflection is sitting regularly and examining and evaluating my feelings, thought, and actions. This happens a lot with me when I journal, and the reason I feel it is so beneficial to do this on a regular basis is because if we aren’t stopping to reflect, all of a sudden a year has passed and we’ve had all this junk build up and we have no idea how we got to here, which typically looks like a mess. If I am not deliberate in sitting down and focusing on myself and where my thoughts and feelings are, I will fill that time with literally every other thing imaginable because I’m a busy mom, manager, and wife. My hurts used to build with no resolve because my coping at that time was to just stuff it down. I’ve learned this is not beneficial for me or others around me. To keep myself mentally healthy this is a necessity.

  1. Schedule time regularly. I have to do this in the morning or it isn’t going to happen. Know your schedule and what works for you. I like to make my coffee and sit before everyone else wakes up (quiet is a commodity with husband, three kids, and three dogs). This also helps me start my day on the right foot.

  2. Find a way to do this that works for you. I journal. Others may mediate. I also can do this when I’m walking. When I walk, it almost helps clear my mind and a good time for me to think. Everyone is going to have a way that works best for them. Keep playing around until you find something that suits you. Added bonus my favorite way to connect with myself is outdoors like on walks or even being able to sit outside. Bigger bonus if it’s with an amazing view!

  3. Be honest with yourself. I used to not want to hold myself accountable. It was easier to blame others, which took place in my closest relationships. I have flaws even to this day. What self-reflection has brought me is self awareness. Instead of ignoring them and acting like they aren’t there, I know where I need help. I still react or act in ways that I’d prefer I didn’t, but I’m quick to acknowledge where I can do better, and I apologize when needed. It can be easy to fall into old habits, but it’s a lot easier to avoid unhealthy old habits when we are aware. Knowing what triggers my hurts and causes me to react is helpful to me. I’m sure there is still a lot to uncover, but I’ve learned a lot.

  4. Accept it will take time. There are days I can go without pinpointing where a feeling or hurt is coming from. I remain persistent though, and I don’t get frustrated. Keep showing up. It will all work out if you keep letting your mind work through it. That takes showing up consistently and allowing yourself to process. When this wasn’t a daily practice, it took time to sift through all the years of things I had let build up. It was an even longer process. When my focus was on it, my mind seemed to work on it even when I wasn’t thinking about it. Sometimes I’d wake up and sit down, and all of a sudden had these “ah-ha!” moments and things would flow from there. It gets easier, just keep showing up!

Self-reflection has led to the self-awareness that has allowed me to make a lot of progress in my health and wellness journey. For me health doesn’t just stem from a physically healthy body. It also hinges on a healthy mind and spirit. This has helped me be healthy and heal areas that I hadn’t been able to face. Sometimes it’s hard holding yourself accountable, going through painful feelings and emotions, or even getting to what is going on inside you. It’s not an easy journey, but it’s a worthwhile one! Keeping yourself healthy is worth it. Promise!! It gets easier. Keep going and SPARKLE UP BUTTERCUP!


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