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Four Essentials to Living Well

Laying a foundation is crucial to well- being. Once there is a solid foundation, there is a strong basis for living life with healthy habits. The foundation is what I go back to over and over again and plays a large part in how I maintain my mental mindset, fitness goals, and eating well. The following qualities I incorporate to keep my life running smoothly, positive, and in the best mindset to tackle all my goals. Here are my building blocks to my strong foundation that keep my mindset, nutrition, and fitness on track (I’ll be going into more detail on each of these- they each deserve their own post!):

Accountability- I need to be honest with myself and hold myself accountable. Life will come up, but I keep my eating on track, my fitness, and my mindset at its best when I hold myself accountable to the things I have set up for my healthiest self. I often find where I need more accountability when I look at the next building block of my foundation……

Self-awareness or Self-reflection- With being self- aware and understanding myself, I am able to honestly evaluate where I’m doing well and where I can improve. It’s not filled with negative self- talk like I used to have more frequently. I have learned when I’m emotional eating versus eating to nurture my body. Sometimes I lose that battle, and decide to eat anyways because I want to but hey…. At least I’m aware of it! I have honestly reduced the amount of times this happens with my self-awareness. Or I know I need to push myself to workout because I’ll actually feel better. It’s knowing when I’m pushing too hard, and I actually need to rest.

Consistency- If you don’t show up consistently, it’s just not going to happen. There has to be a commitment and showing up frequently. I journal in some form pretty much every day (yes, I do miss some days but those days are rare). It’s an outlet for me, and I’ve found it’s super important for my mindset. I consistently put healthy foods in my body, so I can feel my best. I move my body consistently because it helps me feel better. Even if you’re just getting started set two days where you are going to consistently show up. Then once you have that down, grow from there. You will be happy you did!

Perspective- Life is all about your perspective. Two people can have the same situation, but how they view it can drastically impact the reaction or outcome. I’ve come from a lot of negative. Once I saw how much I was impacting my own negativity, I wanted to minimize that as much as possible. I have my bad days, but overall I keep my outlook and attitude positive. I can catch myself falling into that trap. It’s not to say I don’t process my emotions. I use my self-awareness and reflection to understand where my toxic feelings are coming from and resolving the actual root of the problem.

I keep going back to these things in my life, and they’re what help me live my best. Without these things I’m most likely going to wander from day to day with no direction or purpose. These helped me progress and continue to do so! I’m going to end it with saying control what you control, and the answer is YOU are what you have full control over!

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