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Stretching Basics

I’m sure we have all heard it. Warm up before exercise and stretch after. However I’m not sure about you, but on occasion, I can be a little hard headed. I have been tight on time and not taken the time to fully take care of body. I’ve done the work, but I haven’t taken care of me enough to not get injured. When I haven’t done these things is when I’ve had injuries that have kept me from doing a whole lot for several weeks. I would prefer to stay consistent, so I have given myself the time to incorporate stretching, warm up, and foam rolling into my total work out time.

If I’m pressed for time, I shorten my workout, but I still build in a decent amount of stretch time for the exercise level I’m doing. Learning the hard way, with not taking the time to stretch and getting injured more frequently has led to me finally stopping being stubborn and making time for the important process… and ya know, I haven’t been injured and have kept a steady state of working out! Shocker, I know.

Great stretches that I incorporate often- cat cow and let me tell ya this is a favorite that makes an appearance EVERY workout! I’ve had a back injury, so I’ve had to learn how to properly take care of my back. These feel so amazing after a great HIIT workout. Child’s pose, with walking my hands both ways. That stretch on the side… oh my! Laying twist- again another back exercise.

Butterfly- it’s a classic.. what I can I say. It feels great and you can see progress if you’re consistent. Pigeon- I do this one pretty much every time because my hips are so tight! It is a stretch I used to not be crazy about because it pushed me, but now I love it. The figure four, so tight for me but oh so good! Of course couldn’t forget a little lunging hip flexor stretch either. I like to do a twist with this to really get the back involved again.

For the arms I like a little over the head tricep stretch. Across the body shoulder stretch anyone?! Yes please. Childs pose also hits those shoulders- bonus.

My neck is a trouble spot. I often stretch my neck by leaning it to each side and using my hand to hold- such a glorious feeling

I also love to stretch my chest by keeping my arms straight and clasping my hands behind my back to get a good chest stretch in.

These are just a few of the many stretches that can help keep you stretched out and less prone to injury. Let me know some of your favorites. I’m always on the lookout for new and effective stretches!!

stretch and snuggle

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