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Unhealthy Eating Comeback

This felt appropriate to cover as I just had a margarita and taco date night with the hubs the other night and then went out of town and indulged some with one of my besties, and some of it was fried and there was definitely pasta- delicious but not feeling too great in the aftermath. Admittedly it is difficult to get back on track sometimes after a meal that tastes delicious, but isn’t exactly good for you. I’ve started to feel so bad after some of these meals, that I quickly remember why I eat healthier the majority of the time- as in stomach cramping, foggy, bloated (definitely not the guilty kind of feeling bad- no shame in my game!). We should feel free to indulge in the less healthy options every now and again. I like to search for healthy options on menus, but sometimes I either want to eat the less healthy options in moderation or I’m going to be able to spend time with people who matter to me and that time with them is important.

Have a plan- it is really easy to fall into unhealthy meals because we’re all rushing to get more stuff done. Take a little bit of time and plan some meals. Have some favorite healthy go-to’s that you know you like and keep the ingredients stocked. Staples for me involve sweet potatoes, broccoli, shredded crockpot chicken, and salmon to name a few.

With planning the next meals, make sure there’s a high emphasis on whole foods- lots of fruits and healthy veggies. If you don’t already, keep some of your favorites in steady supply, so it’s easier to prepare or reach and grab for. Berries are easy, cut up some celery, radish, and carrots and store, or have some cut up watermelon or mango.

Focus on how you feel after that meal- I don’t like my eating to get off track for long because I just don’t feel as great eating junk and feeling bloated. Now that I’ve learned a lot of those feelings don’t have to be a part of my every day- I embrace that and focus on the nourishing of my body with foods that really feed it. Although junk food can provide calories- they are often empty calories with little ability to fill you up or nurture your body.

If you’re able, go ahead and pre- cook or pre cut up some healthy options to have on hand. When we’re on the go, we’re not thinking- “Oh let me cut up all these items to make my salad” or “I’m starving, let me cook this healthy lunch that will take 20 minutes to make”. No, you’re going to reach for what is available, and oftentimes, that isn’t going to be a great option. Having something that is already cut up or easy to reheat- increases the chance you’ll go for the healthier option. I’m not sure about you, but there have definitely been times I’ve reached for some of my kids snacks just to get something quickly. I don’t do this as often because I’ve learned, tried new ways of working around this- with plenty of “failures”, and have found what works for me.

Healthy eating habits are a process. Don't get discouraged if you fall off. It takes time to establish healthy habits in general. Be kind to yourself as your setting up great habits for your healthy lifestyle!

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