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Full Body with Foundation Moves

A little Tuesday workout for you- it’s a full body! I do like full bodies when training days aren’t full swing. You’ll notice some of the foundation moves in here from last week, we gotta keep building that solid foundation!

As always reps and sets can be decreased to either help with time or if unable to do all of reps yet- keep at it if you can’t, it will get there!


*Body weight squats 10-15- no rush to these. Steady pace

*Good mornings 8-12 steady pace

*Walkout with row 3-5 steady pace


*Stagger stance weighted deadlift (can be done without weights) with weights 8-12, without 12-20 at a quicker pace then the warm-up

*Weighted squat (can be done without weights) with weights 8-12, without 8-20 at a quicker pace then warm-up

*Glute bridge- keep spine flat to floor, core engaged, and raise, don’t overextend- notice my hips aren’t going super high. Squeeze the glutes for a sec at the top of the raise and lower back down. Can do with a weight as well. 12-20 reps

*Weighted row (can be done without weights) with weights 8-12, without 8-20

*Push ups (can be done with arms elevated on stair, bench, etc) 8-15

*Plank hold for at least 30 seconds. If you can’t hold for full 30, then drop knees to ground to modified push-up position. Can do 30-60 seconds

*Bird dog 12-20 each side

*Dead bug 12-20 each side

Repeat this whole thing 1-2 more times. If you’re having trouble doing these exercises straight through- take a 30 second break after 3 exercises (after glute bridge and plank)

*Farmer walk- this is a bonus for those with weights. An effective move that works your body. Using heavier weights bend your knees and lift weights to standing- please do not bend over and lift as NOT good for your back. Walk forward for either set length or repeat several times at shorter distances. Can do 3-5 times.

If you don’t have weights and still want a little bonus-do reverse lunges 12-20 each side. Repeat 1-2 more times and take 15-30 seconds rest before restarting.

Cute #frenchie not included

Hope you enjoy and get some movement in! #sparkleupbuttercup

*as always if you are in pain with these movements please do not continue!


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