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How to Lose Weight This Year

Let me tell ya, there's a lot of information surrounding this topic. Some good, maybe others not the greatest.I hate to be the bearer of bad news... but the quick diet pills, teas, restrictive diets, they are not the key to lasting results. Since it's the start of a new year and people are looking to meet their goals as quickly as possible and oftentimes that includes losing weight, I felt it was worth mentioning a few small things we can do to make lasting differences. The pills and fad diets may work short term, but long term you will likely put the weight back on and then some extra. The problem with these so called quick fixes are that the drastic measures they have us take don't teach long term sustainable habits. We need to be able to find balance to what we're eating and doing- it's not sexy or glamorous and it takes some time, but long term this is the best way to keep yourself going in the direction you want to go. So do you want to lose weight quickly and then put it back on or do you want to set yourself up for sustained long term gradual weight loss? If you choose the second then read on!

I get eating out and processed foods are really quick and easy- they are unfortunately full of empty calories and don't actually contain nutrients we need the majority of the time. So we're taking in a bunch of calories without much benefit. I'm not saying to cut it all out- that would be incredibly difficult and unrealistic. What I am suggesting is swap a meal a day or if even that seems a bit much shoot for 3 meals a week no longer being take out or reducing the amount of chips you eat each day. Take the time to make one larger meal and you would be set for those 3 days. I often like to make something over the weekend when I have more time and store it for the week. There are so many great recipes out there than can help keep it simple or use modifications to make things healthier. For all the busy ladies out there- we can still get good meals on a busy schedule. Planning normally helps this.

Training in phases is another helpful tip. Often times as we're trying to get our quick results we dive into these long, challenging workouts. Injuries happen or we get discouraged and just give up. The goal is to move your body, not kill it. Oftentimes people jump straight to cardio as the solve all. Cardio definitely has it's advantages but doing steady state cardio can be less effective than intervals. The more cardio you do- typically the less muscle development you will have. Muscles burn more fat. If there's a balance your body can effectively lose weight and you can enjoy a variety of workouts instead of hitting straight cardio. Your body tends to adjust to whatever you do- so unless you want to keep increasing your cardio, giving it variety and mixing up your workouts is going to be a good thing. There are so many great workouts out there that can keep you engaged and interested. The goals you have will influence the type of workouts you will do. Training typically has phases though where intensity increases for a duration of time and then resumes to a lower level to allow for recovery and different focus.

It's really easy to come to the conclusion that the best way to lose weight is to go hard on the workouts and drastically reduce calories. I've tried this many times and it doesn't work long term. Gradually cut back if it's needed (though oftentimes we can benefit from first adding in). Your body needs carbs, protein, and healthy fats to build and sustain your body. You can eat healthy carbs and healthy fats and lose weight. If you're going hard on the workouts you need to make sure you're still getting adequate nutrition. Your body can get to a point where it won't give up anything because you're not eating enough. Bodies are built for survival, not starvation. If you aren't getting enough energy you will not be able to show up as well for your workouts or you will skip because you're drained of your energy. Although there does need to be a calorie deficit to lose weight (I don't want the focus to be on counting calories- more on that later)- the answer is not cutting 1000 calories out, especially if you already aren't eating enough. I'm all about trying new things to find what works for each person- I'm lactose intolerant and consume minimal dairy. I've reduced gluten for a period. Different things work for different people- we are not all made the same, so I believe in being open minded and trying things to find how each body responds but use caution when trying the latest trend. Focus on fresh fruit, vegetables, healthy carbs, healthy fats, and protein sources that work for your diet (I'm not vegetarian or vegan- adequate protein can be attained with proper balance and planning if that's what you prefer).

So the point is be patient- I know it's hard. I struggle with patience as well. Habits take time to change. Start making gradual changes- pick one big focus first, then build. Before you know it you will have lifestyle changes under your belt that will help you reach your goals and feel so much better! It gets easier. Focus on the quality of your food. I'm here to help you Sparkle Up Buttercup! Let's do this!!!


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