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Keeping Sane During the Mom Life

As a mom, we can feel like not only do we have all of our things to take care of (let’s be honest- how many times do we push our stuff aside to make room for everything else?!), but we have about a million other things once you factor in kids, work, and all the other things needing to be done. This has been one of the hardest things for me to learn, and I definitely haven’t perfected it yet. I’ve had to learn a lot, and I’ve gotten very creative and innovative with solutions. It’s taken developing discipline and forming habits. These are all things that help me keep my sanity.

Sticking to the times I have set for certain things, like my movement, working towards personal goals, and time to destress. I am more likely to get caught up in my million things, if I don’t specifically plan on things. This is one reason I’ve had to plan my days, or I’ll end up doing everything else around the house or for others. I’ve had to be very intentional about how I spend my time, which can be challenging. I admit, even knowing how I am and my awareness, I can still get off my schedule.

Having my plan, helps me when a speed bump comes by way. Instead of giving up, I already know when I can shift things to still accomplish the things that are important to me. This makes it easier to stay on course because as we know in the mom life, it’s not a matter if something is going to come up, it’s when. Having that back up plan already thought out, means we stay on track more often.

Set the time for you and don’t feel guilty. This was particularly difficult for a long time. I’ve had to create space for me, which hasn’t always been easy. I can say, it has always been worth it. We have to create our boundaries and then stick to them. For a while, my youngest would want to go over random things or talk while I was working out- picture walking on the treadmill at 12% incline at a 5.0 speed, not really the time you can talk about anything substantial between catching breaths of air. This is not really an ideal time for me to even focus on her. I just asked her that while I was working out, I needed to focus on that. We had a conversation about how I need time to do things for me so that I can be my best and have energy. I want to talk to her, but that isn’t the best time for me to focus on her. Since then, I make sure I do set aside time for her to talk to me if she wants, oftentimes right as I come home before doing anything else. She doesn’t interrupt my workouts and still gets the attentions she’s wanting. Back in the day, I would have stopped my workout and given her the attention she was needing or felt guilty. I’ve realized that this is important to me and healthy for me and dropped the guilt feeling.

Ask for help- so simple yet sometimes so difficult. People are very willing to help, but they don’t read minds. I used to never ask. There are different things that will work for different situations, and it takes learning your individual circumstance. Sometimes it was asking my husband, other times I asked my kids for help. I learned my youngest wants to cook, so I’ve taught her simple meals. She is always willing to help cook those meals when I ask. I normally have these ingredients on hand, so if things have gotten off track, then I will ask her to help me out. Other times it’s my husband stepping in to help with taking one of the kids to an activity.

Use your time how it works for you- I do always encourage movement, healthy foods, but sometimes just sitting and enjoying the moment is what's needed. Work on something that you care about or that brings you life, like reading a book or creating something.

Be patient as you find what works for you and your family. Each scenario is going to be a bit different but keep trouble shooting. It will come along! Sparkle Up Buttercup!


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