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Love Lunges

Love a lunge! Seriously, it’s hard for me to not to put these in a workout- they are such a great move that works on a foundation level but the progressions are endless! It works multiple muscles even outside the legs and glutes. It involves our core and we’re all about having a strong core!

Add these to your workout, and I’ll continue to show some ways to spice them up if you have solid form 🤪💜

Some important things to know with lunges. It’s easiest to break them down by exercise. One thing remains the same on all of them... engage your core!

Reverse lunge- you’re going to stand with feet hips distance apart. You will take one leg and step back- this can take some experimenting to see what distance works best for each person. Your heel is up on the foot you stepped back with. You lower yourself keeping booty in- should not be pushed back- until your knee on the step back leg is about an inch off the ground. The shin of the front leg should be in a straight line with the ankle and knee and thigh about parallel to the floor. Raising back up, bring the back leg to return to the starting position with the front leg. You can work same side or alternate sides.

Forward lunge requires a bit more stability so it’s always great to start and master the reverse lunge. The forward lunge again has the starting position with feet about hip distance apart. We are stepping forward this time and we raise our back heel on the remaining leg. We lower until our legs have two 90 degree angles and the back knee is again about an inch above the ground. Use the forward leg to raise back up to standing and bring the forward leg back to starting position. Make sure when stepping forward that it’s straight step forward- we don’t want to be on a tight rope where are feet are close to being in the same line.

Curtsy lunge- so it is what you imagine- it’s like we’re being formal and performing a curtsy before royalty. Minus the bowing. We want to make sure we have enough room behind us as one leg is going back. Start with feet hip distance apart. Keeping one leg and both hips facing front, one leg goes back and crosses to the other side of the front leg (this moving leg is going back and diagonal).The back leg heel is lifted and we are lowering until the knee is about one inch off the ground. No booty out and no bowing. Raise back up and bring leg back to starting position. You can work the same leg or alternate to the other side. This takes some practice and balance.

Lateral or side lunge- we are again as you can probably guess by now…. Feet hip distance apart for our start. Make sure there’s room to the side of you for this one. I’m trying to avoid too many dogs in this video so hopefully you have a few less obstacles! You step one leg out to the side- you don’t want to overextend here. Make sure all your toes are still facing forward. Don’t move the foot sideways on the step out leg. You keep the leg you kept in place straight as you stick your booty out and lowering body as you keep your chest up and bend the step out leg like you're doing a one legged sit to a chair behind you. Raise back up and bring the leg you stepped out with back to the starting position. Again you can continue to work the same side or alternate.

As always, don't push through pain. Reverse lunges are a good way to start. Progress as you get more confident with lunges. Let me know if you have any questions, and I will try to help as best I can! Sparkle Up Buttercup!!


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