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Managing the Busy on the Go Life

Being a mom or busy lady on the go can be rough. I can especially relate today because we now have a make-up game to go to instead of a night without activities. We want to get our nutrients, but in a crazy life it’s easy to reach for the prepackaged and heavily processed foods because it’s easy and often times viewed as quicker! I’ve done this plenty of times, and I know at times it can be what happens- I’ve had to have “cleaner” protein bars on hand because if I get beyond hungry, I’ll devour much worse food choices in larger quantities. I’m not going to be reaching for healthy as I’m super hungry, it’s going to be whatever is quick! To help avoid some of these moments I’ve done various things to prevent from being in that overly hungry scenario to begin with. Here are some things that have helped me.

Carry a handful of nuts (my preference raw and unsalted- I know not as tasty to some- but if you will only eat the salted and roasted kind that still works!) that are replaced as you use them. This can buy me some time to figure out a more filling option and is a healthy snack.

If I know I’m going to be in the car traveling, I will grab a banana, apple, or have some berries. I used to have nut butter packets on hand as well because those make a good combo. (I unfortunately seem to have a reaction to the oil from nut butters now- life struggles. Not a good option for me anymore, but still a great one to recommend). I also like to pack some easy veggies, like sugar snap peas, cauliflower, carrots, cherry tomatoes, or even cucumber works. It’s easy to cut and store these over the weekend. I have even packed salads before.

Smoothies are a great on the go option. Blend one up real quick and go! It’s a frequent breakfast choice of mine during the busy work week. There are so many great options for smoothies out there. My favorite lately has been almond milk, banana, and wild blueberries. I was feeling tropical this morning and added some mango! Add some protein powder if that’s your thing- try to have a clean one. In the end, do what works best for YOUR body! This is also a great place to throw some spinach or greens in without affecting the flavor too much. Other times I'll add flax seed in for more fiber. Smoothie options are numerous, which makes them a versatile option that rarely gets boring!

I like to keep my own home baked goods on hand, like muffins, banana bread, or energy bites/bars. There are so many great recipes out there that fit a variety of eating preferences. There’s vegan, gluten free, dairy free, etc. These are easy to grab on the go and you spend a little bit of time making a batch on the front end to have some healthier eats for later. Oftentimes mine don't last as long because all my kiddos munch on the healthier snacks as well!

Another way to make easy on the go options, is to use some weekend time to prepare. There are some great recipes for easy grab breakfasts like overnight oats, chia seed puddings, or oatmeal. Crock pots are another great way to get some items ready without a lot of hands-on time. Oatmeal with fruit/nuts, soups, and plenty more options can be made easily. Premixed options that last work really well too. Make a salad and package it in individual containers. Add the dressing later and you've got a healthy easy to grab lunch.

It can take some time to accumulate a solid batch of go to recipes, so be patient and willing to try some different options. Keep items simple as possible and of course look for recipes that keep you on the healthy path. Be patient as you try new ones. There are some that are a hit right off the bat. Some I tweak to my preferences, while others just don’t always make the list. The biggest thing here is being as prepared as possible, which can be a challenging. I encourage everyone to look and take the time when they can to make a plan with some back options for when things go cray cray. It’s different for everyone. For me it’s often in the morning before everyone gets up on Sunday, and I plan for the week. Plan ahead to stay ahead and SPARKLE UP BUTTERCUP!

P.s. let me know if you have any great tips. I’m always looking for new things to try or add.


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